Maybe you’ve heard the expression about snowboarding it’s more difficult to master than skiing, but it’s easier to master. How much truth to that assertion is dependent on your personal preferences. Whatever your reason for choosing to take up the sport, it’s a fantastic opportunity to feel the thrill of floating over snow and exploring the stunning beauty of the mountains in winter.
This article will help novices will learn to balance on boards as well as how to traverse the slope and take the first turn. These are the steps to follow:
Proper Snowboard Stance
How do I skate?
How do I Glide
How to Make J-Turns
How do I Traverse
How do I Traverse into the Turn
Linking Changes
Before you begin, you need familiar with your equipment and how bindings work.
Find out how to do the Proper Snowboard Stance
The correct, relaxed body posture on a snowboard can help you manage your board better , and also ride more effectively.
Here’s how to achieve the basic snowboard stance:
Stretch your ankles and knees by keeping your knees centered above your toes.
Your hips and shoulders should all be aligned with your board.
Take your arms off to your side and maintain an upright upper body.
How do I skate?
After you’ve secured your forward bindings, you’ll discover how to skate or move about on a flat surface with the front foot strapped in , and the back foot pushing you forward. This skill will help you navigate on flat ground and to climb the chairlift.
While your forefoot is firmly strapped to the binding, put your back foot to the heel of your snowboard, just behind your other foot.
Utilize your rear foot for propel yourself around.
Make small steps.
Do not let your free foot get past the back bindings, or you could begin to split.
How do I Glide
Gliding lets you glide across gently on the mountain with just one foot strapped to the board and the rest of your foot in the chair. Gliding is a crucial ability to get off of a chairlift.
When you’re comfortable with skating on flat surfaces, place your free foot to the center of your skate, and place it on the back binding to provide added stability.
Try straight gliding on the surface that is flatter. Try gliding down the slopes that are gentler with a smooth runout.
How to Create an J-turn
One of the fundamental techniques you’ll master when riding on a snowboard is the J-turn that is the way you begin shaping your turn. In order to master the J-turn you’ll be able to glide straight before you make a slight upward turn in the form of an alphabet J. Begin by practicing with your front foot strapped into the binding, and your back foot resting on the top of the board.
Toe-side J-turn
Straighten your snowboard towards a gentle slope, then slide forward.
Move your weight towards the front foot and then over your toes. Your hips should be positioned over the edge of your toes as you stretch your knees and ankles.
The moment you get your weight above the toe’s edge will cause to rotate the board down the hill.
Repeat the exercise while practicing at a moderate slope using flat runout.
Heel-side J-turn
Straighten your snowboard towards a gentle slope, then slide forward.
You should shift your weight towards your front foot and up over your heels. Your calf should feel and boot rubbing against the front highback. Your hips should be positioned over the heel-side edge of your body as you stretch your knees and ankles.
Once you have your weight over the heel edge will begin turning the board upwards.
Repetition the procedure while you work on turning around an easy slope.
Our snowboard blogs provide you with the latest snowboarding news.
Tips for J-turns: Don’t be tall and imposing. When you’re doing your heel-side turn maintain your knees bent as if you’re sitting in the chair.
How do I Traverse
When you climb the slope, you’re learning how to hold your balance and maintain an edge when you travel down an incline.
Toe-side traverse
Be sure to keep your board on the slope and along the edge of the hill when you get up, so that you do not slide down the hill.
Move your knees to the side and maintain your weight evenly distributed over your toe’s side edge as you locate the equilibrium point.
Place your weight on your front foot, and then let your front foot flatten slightly. Your feet will begin to move toward the direction towards the nose of the board.
For a slowing down, put your weight evenly across each foot and lean more on the edge you’re standing on. An increase in the angle of the edge will slow you down , and eventually will bring you to a halt.
Tip: Your shins will move towards your toes. Avoid trying to balance on your tiptoes.
The traverse is on the heel.
Make sure your board is on the slope and along the edge that is uphill as you stand up to ensure you aren’t sliding down the hill.
Your hips should rest over the heel side edge when you reach your balance point.
Relax your knees like you’re sitting in the chair. You will feel the back of your knees to your calves.
Then slowly shift your weight towards the front foot, letting the front foot flatten out slightly. Then you’ll begin to move towards the front of your board.
For a slowing down, put your weight on each foot and lean more towards the edge that you are standing on. The more angle you increase the edge angle will slow you down , and eventually slow you down until you come to a complete stop.
Tips: Make tiny tilting adjustments to regulate the board. Be careful not to stand too high or making more large movements.
How to Traverse into the Turn
After you’ve mastered riding along the hill, now you’re ready to be able to complete your first full turn. Try it first on a soft slope. You’ll need flat runouts so that, should you encounter any difficulties the terrain will stop you.
Similar to how you would do it while walking, shift your weight onto your front foot.
However, this time let the board become flat so you can go directly downwards (into your fall line which is the most direct way downhill).
When you’ve flattened the board, take a an athletic, centered stance but keep more weight in your forefoot.
When you’re sitting standing on a flat board in the fall line begin moving towards your new edge with the form of a J-turn (either the heel-side or toe side).
Try to maintain a good posture with your arms to your sides and your the knees positioned over your toes. Your ankles and legs are working and your body stays at peace.
Stop and repeat the exercise on the opposite side.
Tips When you flatten the board too fast it is possible to get caught on an edge. Do not rush this step. If you’re unsure, try this at the beginning of the race to ensure that you don’t lose too much speed.
Linking Transforms
Once you’re confident following the steps above Once you’re comfortable, you can begin moving in a continuous manner from one direction to another.
After you’ve made a turn in the opposite direction, instead of stopping you can continue to travel along the slope, and then take a second change in the other direction.
A tip: Common mistakes are being too far to the edge of the board, or falling off the edge too quickly.