Dentists have the unique ability to integrate facial aesthetics into existing practices. They are highly skilled healthcare professionals who can also be independent prescribers. This makes the transition to aesthetic medicine much easier and faster than for other professionals. Here are five reasons why.
1 – Cosmetic treatments can be provided by dentists.
Dentists are able to use their hands-on skills from day one to inject fillers and toxins. After years of practice and training in dental procedures, dentists have developed excellent transferable skills that can be used to make cosmetic injectables. Dentists have a greater commercial advantage than nurses and doctors, and can build profitable businesses in a rapidly growing field. The dentist is more comfortable in a private setting and can plan high-value cosmetic procedures. By definition, they are prescribers. This is because they have access to a large stock of prescription-only medication and can prescribe the drugs that are necessary to safely practice. A CQC-registered office with a treatment chair is the ideal location for dentists to perform cosmetic injections.
Choose aesthetic courses for dentists with Derma Institute…
2 – Standard practice: Patient retention
Facial aesthetics is a growing field in dentistry. This is because they can compete with local dentists. Cosmetic injectable patients often return to their dentists for additional treatment. This ensures that they are able to provide lifetime care and patient retention.
3 – Aesthetic treatments expand the possibilities for smile makeovers or treating bruxism
The unique knowledge of the mouth, oral cavity and teeth that dentists have is unmatched. The external appearance of the mouth is affected by the bite. Understanding the classification of the bite can help you plan filler treatments that balance your facial profile. TMJ symptoms and bruxism can be treated with toxin injections to the masseter muscles. This allows dentists to treat a variety of dental conditions. The levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasi muscle can be treated with botulinum. This will give you a gummy smile.
4 – The regulation supports dentists in aesthetic medicine
Voluntary PSA-Accredited Registers like the JCCP or SaveFace permit dentists to join the Level 7 register along with other healthcare professionals. A Level 7 qualification is available to dentists, which can help them secure their future in aesthetic medicine.
5 – Learning about skin broadens practitioner perspective
We believe that dentists should not limit themselves to injectables. Skin rejuvenation is an area of aesthetic medicine that dentists are naturally interested in. A dentist who can offer a full range of treatments, including topical and chemical skin care, is more visible and profitable. It also provides better and more personal care to patients. We offer a Cosmetic Dermatology Course specifically for dentists who want to learn how to treat cosmetic skin issues.